Sunday, April 18, 2010

Smile ...

It costs you nothing and it automatically boosts your spirit!

Who Moved My Cheese?

The battles in life

In life, we have different battles we are faced with. We are the ones who choose to fight, flee or let be. Which battles are you involving yourselves in? Are they worth your time? Are you getting anywhere? How often do you actually win????

Diez Cosas

Diez cosas que siempre hay que recordar ... y una que jamas hay que olvidar

Tu presencia es un regalo para el mundo
Eres una persona especial y unica
Tu vida puede ser lo que tu quieres que sea
Enfrenta cada dia uno por uno
Cuenta tus bendiciones, y no tus problemas
Sabras vencer cualquier dificultad
En tu corazon encontraras tantas respuestas
Ten valentia
Ten fortaleza
Date tiempo para soƱar
... y no olvides jamas ... que eres una persona muy especial

-Douglas Pagels

New day ...

Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can.

Douglas Pagels, A Wonderful Resolution For The New Year!